Friday, October 22, 2010

Part One - The Crow

The Aboriginals were very spiritual people, and followed their traditions without question. They were taught how to live and respect the land, how to hunt or be a good wife; but more importantly how not to anger the Spirits. They were taught about the ceremonys that had to take place to honor the dead, married, born and the Spirits.

Every ceremony was done with such care and preparation that nothing could turn it. All that was taught when down to the next generation.

 But one man would change the writing of history.

This man was different. Nothing like what others had seen.
He could run faster than the others, he used a spear better that the others in the tribe. The other people in the Aboriginal tribe of the Bidjigal clan of the Eora, thought that he was a doctor for his people; clever man. One with enhanced abilities, some sort of sourcery.

They even thought that he had the ability to turn in to a crow.

This man was a wepaon of nature, even if he was half blind.

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