Friday, October 22, 2010


 the map of the voyage.

Terra nullus. From Latin translated to no mans' land.
A phrase that Captain James Cook had described Australia to be.
How wrong he was.

He knew and came into contact with the Natives of Australia. Though he still told the government that Australia was no mans' land. There were no natives or people living on the large island.

The gaols (jails) were overflowing with criminals. So one man decided that he would tell the government that he had a solution to this dilemma.

Move some of the criminals to Australia and set up a settlement. The brave man willing to take on the responsibility for getting ships to Australia was Captain Arthur Philip.

So in May 1787 a fleet of 11 ship (later called the First Fleet) set sail with 1,487 people, including 778 convicts (192 women and 586 men).

After almost a year of sailing, one of the ships when on to land first, they had finally set foot on Port Jackson, New South Wales on the 17th of January 1788. The following day the other 10 ships followed.

This land was going to hold a new beginning, and for some others a short end.

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